How ReputeRevive Enhanced Customer Trust and Increased Market Share

Discover how ReputeReviv rebuilt their reputation, gained customer trust, and increased market share through strategic reputation management
July 7, 2023
18 Months
Search Engine Optimisation
How ReputeRevive Enhanced Customer Trust and Increased Market Share

ReputeRevive, a well-established brand, faced a decline in customer trust and market share due to negative online reviews and perception. They needed a strategy to rebuild their reputation and regain customer confidence.


We conducted a thorough brand audit and developed a comprehensive reputation management plan. This involved addressing customer concerns, improving customer service processes, and implementing a proactive online review management system.


We revamped ReputeRevive's customer service protocols, emphasizing prompt and personalized responses. We actively engaged with customers on review platforms, addressing feedback, and showcasing positive experiences. We also launched targeted PR campaigns to highlight positive brand stories.

"Working with Hans was a game-changer for our brand. His expertise in reputation management helped us regain customer trust and reestablish our market position."
Lisa Adams

Lisa Adams

Reputation Management Specialist


By strategically managing their online reputation and proactively addressing customer concerns, ReputeRevive successfully transformed their brand perception. This resulted in increased customer trust, improved market share, and a positive online reputation that helped drive business growth.